Kirk Session & Congregational Board
The affairs of a congregation of the Church of Scotland fall into one or other of two categories - spiritual or temporal.
Kirk Session
In every congregation its spiritual affairs are the responsibility of the Kirk Session which consists of the Moderator, the Minister, together with the Elders of the congregation.
In general the responsibilities of the Kirk Session are:
1. Concern for the spiritual welfare of the congregation as a whole. This spiritual concern for the congregation is largely exercised by the congregation being divided into districts with the pastoral care of each district being allocated to an elder.
2. Setting the hours of public worship and the times for the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
3. Supervision of all organisations within the congregation.
Congregational Board
The Board in Blairhill Dundyvan Church consists of all elders and a number of elected members of the congregation.
The primary responsibilities of the Board are:
1. to look after the congregation's finances and ensure that church funds are used exclusively for Church of Scotland purposes unless specially raised or donated for other purposes.
2. to ensure that the accounts of the congregation and of the organisations for which it is responsible are properly kept and audited.
3. to ensure the care and maintenance of all church buildings.